I talk a big show. I really do. I can talk a mile a minute about the most inane shit. And, frankly, I can do it with some poise and intelligence. But, a lot of this talking lately revolves around certainty. I speak to how I know I'm allowed to have a husband. About how sex will be glorious. But, the whole time, I am the most uncertain person I know. If I'm entirely honest I give more credence to the whole "gay relationships are okay within a biblical framework" side since it's...easier.
It's a lot easier. That's not to say it's wrong, just easier. The other side, the call for a reevaluation of what friendship is, looks like, and can be in light of celibacy seems much more difficult. And time's like now I feel like I haven't considered it enough. Or, at least, thought that there might be a better more clear way. Either way. I am uncertain. And will be for some time.
Lord have mercy.